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Hypnosis: How To Help You & Your Family Conquer Junk Food Habit

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How To Help Your Family Conquer Their Junk Food Habit A common complaint of my clients is that that they are trying to eat  healthy and make changes but their family is not on board and wants to continue to have junk food in the house.Perhaps you want to get junk food out of the house...
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How To Help Your Family Conquer Their Junk Food Habit

A common complaint of my clients is that that they are trying to eat  healthy and make
changes but their family is not on board and wants to continue to have junk food in the
house.Perhaps you want to get junk food out of the house but your spouse and/or your
kids want to continue to have it. Having junk food around, may sabotage your attempts
to lose weight and get healthy.

These two hypnosis sessions are designed for the entire family to listen to and will help to:

1. Educate the family on how sugar and junk food are addictions just like cocaine.

2. Help the family understand how important it is to have a "clean, safe" house for the
     recovering sugar addict to kick their habit.

3. Paint a grim vision of the future of the health of each family member if they don't
    get on board with a healthy lifestyle NOW.

4. Create a positive family vision of a healthy, happy family years into the future if they
    are willing to make healthy lifestyle changes NOW.

5. Educate on the negative effects on the body when you eat sugar as it moves
    through the GI tract.

6. Turn the family resistance to change, into a family that works as a team with solidarity and camaraderie.  
Ask your spouse and family members to listen to these audios. It helps  to listen to one every
day for 7-21 days but it may just take one session. Then sit down and have a family
meeting about creating a vision for the family of how you want to be in terms of your health.
Let each person contribute.

Then talk about how to achieve that vision together. This is how you get buy in. Your family needs to see how it benefits them, instead of being a Diet Program you're inflicting on them against their will. These hypnosis audios can be transformative for your entire family in getting everyone on a healthy lifestyle program.

"My husband kept sabotaging my weight loss efforts by bringing sugar-filled sweets into our home. He was raised to believe that you show love by giving sweets. After listening to these hypnosis sessions once my husband realized how bad sugar was for me--and our family. He no longer buys sweets for our family. He now shows love in other ways. I highly recommend these audios to any family where there is resistance to getting on a healthy eating program. -- Kim Dahl, Reno, NV

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