11 Oct Buying CBD Online Guide
Everything You Need to Know About Buying CBD Oil Online
Welcome to our Buy Cannabidiol Guide! This comprehensive document will explain everything you need to know about purchasing your first CBD product.
Typically, if you want to buy Cannabidiol (CBD) products you have to dig pretty deep to find accurate information. That’s because while CBD is becoming more popular, the information is typically scattered all across the web.
To compound this problem, CBD is also one of the most misunderstood dietary substances. Many people confuse it with THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.
Contrary to these misconceptions, CBD is legal worldwide and is completely safe. It contains no psychoactive elements, so there is no chance of “getting high.” For more details see CBD vs THC.
Once you are ready to look at products, there are still many other factors to consider including; brand, CBD concentration, type of product, and above all, your very own needs.
At HealthyHempOil.com, we strongly believe that an informed customer is a happy customer. Our goal here is to empower you to make the best decisions possible when it comes to CBD supplements and feel 100% comfortable with your choices.
We also aim to cut through the bulk of misinformation that surrounds CBD, so this guide was written with scientific integrity from start to finish.
1. Buying Criteria
CBD products come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. Understanding how to compare similar products and distinguish seemingly identical products is your first step toward making an informed decision when it comes to CBD.
Below, we will examine the four most important criteria that mark the differences between CBD products and give you a quick and handy way to tell them apart.
CBD Volume
One of the most important buying criteria for many people is how much CBD each product contains. Obviously, different products contain different quantities of CBD, and even though there isn’t such thing as “too much CBD,” it pays to know exactly how much you’re ingesting. When checking for CBD quantity, make sure that it specifically relates to CBD and not just overall hemp oil, as we will see below.
Hemp Oil Volume
CBD products are typically measured in two quantities: CBD quantity, as we’ve seen above, and hemp oil quantity, which refers to the total volume of hemp oil contained in the product. While hemp oil has beneficial properties of its own, when buying CBD products you should really be looking specifically for the quantity of CBD that is present in a particular product.
As an example, consider that the relationship of hemp oil to CBD is very similar to fish oil and its beneficial compounds. Fish oil supplements contain a certain amount of total fish oil and a certain amount of DHA and EPA (which are the important substances in this supplement). So, people shopping for fish oil supplements should in fact be looking for total EPA and DHA quantities per pill – not total fish oil. The same holds true for CBD as well. When buying hemp oil products, people should be looking for the CBD quantity present in a particular product instead of the hemp oil quantity.
Along with CBD volume, concentration is considered by most people to be the most important characteristic in any CBD product. Concentration refers to the abundance of CBD when compared to the total volume of the product. At Healthy Hemp Oil, we offer products that range from normal strength to super-high CBD concentrations. Naturally, what concentration you choose depends on how much CBD you want to take and what type of product you are getting it from.
New users are recommended to take 1 to 2 mg daily at first, as this is the typical small serving size for an adult. Depending on your metabolism, body weight, and desired effects, you might want to start with 3 mg, and you can always up the serving size after that as your body gets accustomed to it.
CBD has maximum efficiency when used consistently, much like a daily multivitamin supplement. This effect is due to the fact that it takes a while for your body to adjust to the chemical compounds found in CBD. As there are no psychoactive or dangerous components present in CBD, you can safely up your serving size to find the optimal concentration for you.
If you are a beginner, a tried and tested approach is to start off with 2 or 3 mg of CBD taken daily for a week. If you don’t feel strong benefits after that, you double the serving size and repeat for another week until you find that sweet spot.
2. Types of CBD Products
CBD oil is a healthy and extremely versatile natural substance that can be consumed in numerous different ways to offer a surprising range of health benefits. As expected, different CBD oil product types offer different benefits and come with certain limitations.
For example, some CBD oil products are more potent in terms of CBD concentration while others focus more on ease of use to allow consumers to take them on the go and without hassle. Some products have tasty flavors that add to the overall experience while others offer pure CBD oil that packs a stronger punch. Moreover, some CBD oil products can be used together for a synergistic effect, while others are designed to be taken alongside food or drinks.
In this section, we will examine the specific attributes as well as the benefits and limitations that each CBD oil product type has.
CBD Capsules
These are standard dissolvable capsules that contain powdered hemp oil with high concentrations of CBD. Resembling conventional pills, CBD capsules are perhaps the easiest type of CBD product to use and come with a number of added conveniences. They are tasteless and odorless, and as pills they are extremely easy to carry around wherever you go.
Additionally, capsules make it easy to keep track of your daily serving size. Each package comes with a specific number of capsules (anywhere from 2 to 60 capsules per package), so when in doubt, you can quickly check whether you’ve taken your daily serving or not.
However, CBD capsules offer you limited options when it comes to increasing your serving size or tweaking it to find that sweet spot for you. This means you’re restricted to the capsule’s size to increase your serving size, and each capsule contains a fairly large amount of CBD. For example, if you are using Dixie Botanical’s capsules, you must bump your daily intake from 25 mg (1 capsule) to 50 mg (2 capsules) in order to take more, effectively doubling your consumption.
However, you can offset this limitation (at least partially) by combining more than one CBD product to adjust your daily serving size. For example, you could use one capsule plus a concentrated CBD tincture to optimize your daily serving size.
CBD chewing gums are a smart solution for busy people who want to infuse their lives with the wellness of CBD in an enjoyable and convenient way. CBD gum products are simple to use and equally easy to transport.
Additionally, gums are perhaps the most inconspicuous CBD products and are perfect for people who are self-conscious about taking pills or using vaporizers.
These long-lasting chewing gums come with a relatively heavy hemp and mint flavor that many people love. Also, just like normal gum products, there are a few added sweeteners and (natural) flavors to make them tasty. However, if you’d prefer not to taste anything at all, then CBD gums might not be the best solution for you.
Taking CBD in gum form has the same limitations to serving size adjustments as CBD capsules because serving size is limited by gum size. You can only increase your CBD consumption by chewing more gums, meaning that in order to fine-tune your daily intake you might need to combine CBD gum with another type of product (most usually tinctures).
CBD Tinctures
CBD tinctures are one of the most popular and arguably the most versatile form of CBD. There are numerous CBD tincture products to choose from, with different flavors and CBD strengths, and all of them are particularly easy to use. Tinctures trump all other types of CBD products in terms of serving size precision as you can easily increase or decrease your serving size by the drop (all tinctures come with a precise dropper).
CBD tinctures are absorbed sublingually (under your tongue), which means that they act quicker than some other forms of CBD products (like capsules). Additionally, you can mix the CBD tincture with any drink during the day, offering you variety and many ways to take it as you see fit.
Tinctures come in a variety of flavors, including cinnamon, vanilla, and peppermint, and contain added sweeteners to make them more enjoyable. Tinctures are ultra-popular with many people who use CBD on a daily basis, but if you don’t fancy these flavors, you may be better off using CBD capsules or a CBD topical.
While CBD tinctures are more portable than CBD oil and vaporizers (which we will be examining next), they are not as portable or inconspicuous as the capsules and gums we’ve seen above.
CBD Topicals
CBD lotions, creams, balms, and other topicals are handy and offer a unique usability that no other CBD product does. With CBD topicals, you can target specific points of stiffness or inflammation on your body and use them with pinpoint accuracy. CBD is absorbable through the skin, making these topicals a great means of directly alleviating an ache you might have.
For example, you can use your CBD cream right on your knee or elbow for joint relief, something you cannot do with any other form of CBD.
However, since topicals are absorbed through the skin, they tend to work slower than most other CBD product types even though they have can have potent CBD concentrations. Additionally, creams, lotions, and balms tend to be slightly more expensive than other CBD products when comparing CBD quantity. This is because they usually contain a variety of other high-quality ingredients not found in traditional CBD products.
People who look for the purest and often strongest CBD products out there often turn to CBD oil. CBD in oil form is typically more concentrated and contains the highest quantity of CBD in the industry when compared to all other CBD product types. CBD oil typic ally has no (or very few) added flavors or sweeteners and come in a variety of strengths to suit all types of users.
Since CBD oil is more “pure” than other CBD product types, they don’t have any added flavor. This is a desirable characteristic for many people, but some consumers may find the natural flavor undesirable. Like the tinctures, though, this product can be mixed in with other foods (for example, ice cream).
CBD oil completely safe and are designed to be used orally or through a vaporizer, as we will see below. However, for beginners, some CBD oil products might look a bit intimidating. For example, the oil from Real Scientific Hemp Oil are shaped like syringes, making them seem daunting for some people.
CBD Vaporizers
Vaporizers are a unique type of CBD product that function similar to an e-pen or e-cigarette. They work by heating up CBD to a point where it turns from a liquid to a vapor so it can be inhaled. CBD vaporizers are elegant, lightweight, and among the most stylish of CBD products.
There are two parts to a CBD vaporizer: the vaporizer itself, which you only need to buy once, and the CBD “cartridges,” which include the actual CBD oil (these are the refills for the vaporizer). Our own CBD vaporizers are rechargeable via USB, making them handy and convenient to use as there is no battery changing involved. The CBD oil present in the cartridges is specially treated to be easily vaporized by the e-pen’s heat and offers maximum benefits via inhalation.
CBD used via this method is quick acting and much safer for your lungs and oral tract, since CBD vaporizers produce only vapors and no smoke. However, this method of consumption is more complex than most other forms of CBD, as you need to employ an e-pen to make it usable. The use of CBD vaporizers is limited by batteries, so you need to ensure those are charged before use. Additionally, vaporizers can be a little intimidating to beginners as they look like e-cigarettes and people might confuse you with a smoker.
3. Top CBD Brands
CBD has become wildly popular in the span of only a few years, and in this time, several reputable companies have risen to offer safe and potent CBD products to the market. Below we will take a closer look at the six top CBD brands, along with what makes each of them unique in this rapidly growing market.
This innovative company from San Diego, California, specializes in CBD gums (as the name implies) and was actually the first company in the world to offer CBD-packed chewing gums. The brand’s name and their only product, the CanChew gum, has become synonymous with top-quality CBD that is family-friendly and surprising potent, especially when compared to more conventional hemp oil products.
CanChew has seen a dramatic rise in sales over the last few years and is now a globally recognized brand. They might make only one product (for now), but they do it exceptionally well. The company also maintains a cutting-edge biotechnology laboratory in which they research new, safe ways to deliver CBD and other safe substances to consumers.
Based on San Diego, California, Cibdex is a family-friendly brand that focuses on nutritional supplements for people with active lifestyles. Cibdex specializes in CBD-rich drops and pure hemp oil capsules. While Cibdex is more widely known for their tinctures, their capsules have recently started to gain popularity as well.
This brand is determined to offer the most natural CBD products possible, with a definite emphasis on using only naturally pure hemp oil extracts in their products. Cibdex’s parent company specializes in hemp research and development, and develops unique hemp cultivars from which Cibdex products are made, giving them a special edge over most other CBD products.
Dixie Botanicals
An ultra-modern company from Denver, Colorado, Dixie Botanicals is a leading hemp industry innovator responsible for many CBD breakthroughs, including the popularization of CBD tincture products.
Dixie Botanicals’ hemp oil capsules are the most popular in the world, and their list of products sees an impressive increase every year. This is one of the most established and fastest-growing brands in the industry, with countless satisfied customers globally. Dixie Botanicals has launched a free smartphone app to offer information and accessibility to its customers, which is also an industry first.
Specializing in lightweight and slick vaporizers, BudTouch targets younger audiences than most other top CBD brands. Instead of focusing on the health benefits of CBD, BudTouch’s brand caters more to a younger demographic of people who lead active lives and want a healthier alternative to smoking and traditional e-cigarettes.
Nonetheless, BudTouch’s products are top-of-the-shelf when it comes to CBD goodness. Despite their appeal to the young and rebellious, the company is bent of offering as healthy and safe CBD products as any other globally recognized hemp oil brand in the world today.
Herbal Renewals
Herbal Renewals is an established brand offering some of the the purest and strongest forms of CBD on the market. They pride themselves on focusing on the higher end of the CBD market, providing powerful solutions to people in need. When you need potent, think Herbal Renewals.
All of their oils are all created in licensed GMP facility and are held to the highest standards of quality. Each batch is meticulously tested in their cutting edge facility.
Herbal Renewals is responsible for CBD oil that contain some of the highest CBD concentration in the market today.
Tasty Hemp Oil
Based in Michigan, Tasty Hemp Oil is a relative newcomer to the CBD industry. The company has recently become extremely popular thanks to their fantastic tinctures that are now considered among the best tasting on the market.
Manufactured with the gourmand in mind, Tasty Hemp Oil’s products come in numerous flavors and are designed to be easily used alone or with your drink of choice.
The company has recently launched CBD concentrates to be used with commercial vaporizers with remarkable success.
4. Recommended CBD Products
Now that we have established some objective buying criteria and you know the differences between each CBD product type, it’s time for us to make a few recommendations with the new CBD user in mind. Below we will see the four most suitable products for beginners who wish to start their CBD experience as easily, as enjoyably, and as beneficially as possible.
Tasty Hemp Oil: CBD Drops 250mg
Tasty’s tinctures represent the most versatile way to experience the positive effects of CBD oil. Taken sublingually, this tincture can be used anywhere and mixed with any food or drink you like. They are quick acting and taste great too.
250mg gives you about 80 servings of top-quality CBD (as the dropper releases roughly 3mg at a time). Simply place one serving under your tongue and within fifteen minutes you should feel the positive effects. Or you can mix the tincture with your favorite drink (like tea or juice).
The CBD tincture by Tasty Hemp Oil is ideal for beginners who wish to have ultimate control over their CBD serving size. As with all CBD products, you’ll get the most out of this tincture by using it daily over a period of at least two weeks.
BudTouch: Vape Starter Kit
Convenient, lightweight, and slick, BudTouch’s starter kit packs a serious CBD punch and gives you everything you need to start your CBD adventure right away.
The kit includes a sturdy rechargeable e-pen, two premium CBD cartridges by BudTouch, and a handy USB charger so your e-pen never runs out of juice.
The Tasty Hemp oil cartridges come in seven flavors: Seven Citrus, Apple Pie, Black & Blue (Blackberry & Blueberry), Just Peachy, Mandarin Paradise, Morning Dew and Raspberry, with each of them tasty enough to perfectly complement the positive effects of CBD you’ll experience with this starter kit.
The vapors produced are cool and clean, so you can take your BudTouch e-pen everywhere you go and enjoy all the awesome goodness of CBD without hassle.
BudTouch’s starter kit is the ultimate e-cig alternative as it is healthier, cleaner, way more enjoyable, and just cooler than any shady smoking product out there. Period.
Herbal Renewals: Blue Label High CBD Hemp Oil
Offering the highest quantity CBD oil in the industry, this CBD oil is really CBD in its purest, most-concentrated form. This oil ideal for consumers who wish to enjoy the many benefits of CBD without any needless frills.
Each batch of CBD oil been meticulously tested in a cutting-edge scientific lab for CBD purity, and the chemical composition of this product is strictly controlled to offer the strongest CBD effects possible. You should also know that the percentages vary depending on the batch, and we update our product listings to match each new shipment.
This CBD oil is designed to be used orally and they don’t have any added flavors or sweeteners. This allows you to easily mix the tube’s contents into your favorite food (like ice cream) to give it a new spin that’s both healthy and enjoyable.